As we prepare for the future of the Thousand Buddha Temple, we invite you to consider planned gifts as a way to becomes a part of the Temple’s future, helping to bring peace and happiness to many. You can leave a gift to the Thousand Buddha Temple in your will or trust to ensure that meditation teachings will be offered and practiced here to bring immediate and long-term happiness to future generations.

To include us in your estate plan, simply name Thousand Buddha Temple as a beneficiary:

  • BEQUESTS – A bequest is a gift made by naming the Thousand Buddha Temple as a beneficiary in your will.
  • LIFE INSURANCE – You can contribute all or part of an insurance policy that you own but no longer need.
  • RETIREMENT PLANS – You can make a gift to the Thousand Buddha Temple through a beneficiary designation in your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or other retirement plan.
  • CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITIES – A charitable gift annuity (currently available for gifts of $10,000 or more in most states) provides you with a guaranteed fixed income for life in exchange for your irrevocable contribution, which may be in the form of cash and/or appreciated securities.
  • CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUSTS – With the assistance of an attorney, you can establish an irrevocable trust naming yourself, another individual, or a bank as trustee. The Thousand Buddha Temple could also serve in this capacity.

We welcome the opportunity to talk with you if you have questions or would like to speak with us in more detail about your plans. Please contact Thousand Buddha Temple at 919-349-6892 or [email protected].

Thousand Buddha Temple’s tax-exempt ID number: 81-4416657

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