Weekly Meditation Practice
This weekly Meditation Practice is geared for people who want to deepen their Vipassana meditative experience in theory, practice, and result, with activities on meditation practice, individual guidance, group discussions, and sharing of experiences.
Vipassana (insight meditation) practice is concerned with discovering what is truest for each of us in our own hearts and bodies rather than what tradition, scriptures or teachers may tell us is true.
Subjects covered include:
- The objects of Vipassana are Body and Mind (Feeling, Mind, and Mind Objects) in the present moment. Good conduct or morality (Shila), mental development or meditation (Samadhi) and wisdom or insights (Prajna) form a framework for Insight Meditation. With proper guidance, one must understand the principles of practice and the correct way to practice, and must realize when his/her practice is right or wrong.
- A foundation stone of Buddhist teachings and practices is a great appreciation for the present. Mindfulness of Insight Meditation identifies things that keep us from appreciating the present; the things that causes us suffering, and it is a gate to freedom, to awakening. To accomplish this, mindfulness relies on an important characteristic of awareness: awareness by itself does not judge, resist, or cling to anything.
- Objective Observation (with Earnestness, Mindfulness, Clear Comprehension as a tool) should always be used in all positions: sitting, standing, lying down, and walking during a meditation session and everyday life when possible.
- One must balance the Spiritual Controlling Faculties during meditation; and has the ability to master Mindfulness (sati), Earnestness (atapi), and Clear Comprehension (sampajanna) to observe and penetrate Body (rupa) and Mind (nama).
- One needs to know and experience conditions that obscure the three characteristic of the Nature Law, and develop skills to penetrate these conditions.
- One needs to observe and penetrate the six sense doors at the present moment because defilements occur here, and understand how Mindfulness and Clear Comprehension minimize/destroy “Like” and “Dislike”.
- The practices of giving (dana) and to the donation itself support the development of good conduct or morality (Shila). This is the virtue of generosity that ensures practice of giving is connected to the Path that involves relinquishment of stinginess, clinging and greed.
- The result of Vipassana is to have the right view, of the true state of the nature of Body and Mind. The benefit of Vipassana is cessation of one’s accumulations of defilements or mental impurities and leads to the formation of a balanced mind that is full of love and compassion. Progress can be verified through your own experience.
Quarterly All-Day Meditation Retreat
This all-day Meditation Retreat is designed to give individuals an opportunity to immerse themselves in insight meditation practice with the support of the simple and quiet natural environment of the meditation center where the contemplative life can be developed and protected. The retreat involves alternating periods of indoor/outdoor teachings and practice opportunities that complement Insight Meditation in supporting a balanced spiritual life. This includes sitting and walking meditation, dharma talks, practice discussions, mindfulness eating, work meditations, and rest periods. Various meditations and talks on a particular theme/intention and participating/observing compassion chanting are woven throughout each retreat. The teacher provides teachings, guidance to help participants move deeper into meditation practice, and personal support based on individual circumstances on techniques to integrate their practice in everyday life.
The retreat schedule is split into three parts: an early morning session that is optional and upon request, a morning session and an afternoon session. Lunch is available in the Center Dining Room.
EARLY MEDITATION (Optional Upon Request)
06:00 am – 07:00 am: Observation of Shurangama Mantra Chanting
08:00 am – 09:00 am: Breakfast
1st HALF of DAY
09:00 am – 10:45 am: Guided Insight Meditation
10:45 am – 11:00 am: Break
11:00 am – 12:00 pm: Metta Meditation – Observation of Avalokiteshvara Mantra chanting
2nd HALF of DAY
12:00 pm – 01:00 pm: Lunch
01:00 pm – 02:00 pm: Individual Meditation
02:00 pm – 03:00 pm: Dharma Talks
03:00 pm – 04:00 pm: Sitting or Walking Meditation
04:00 pm – 05:00 pm: Closing Gratitude & Questions and Answers
Work Retreat
A Work Retreat provides an opportunity to use work as practice. During this retreat, you will develop and apply mindfulness to help enhance the natural beauty of the Meditation Center and its stunning beautiful lake view, surrounded by its magnificent tree landscape. Please call 919-349-6892 or email [email protected] to signup.
Self Retreats
A self retreat is an opportunity for personal practice. The meditation hall is open for you to come and meditate from 9 am to 5 pm on Sunday and Monday, and from 9 am to 2 pm on Tuesday, and between scheduled classes. Please call 919-349-6892 or email [email protected] to signup.
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153 Wolfetrail Rd.
Greensboro, NC 27406
(919) 349-6892
Visitors: 540433
153 Wolfetrail Rd.
Greensboro, NC 27406
(919) 349-6892
Visitors: 540433